Is This Really The Approach That You Want To Use To Make A Speech Funny?

add humor to a speech or presentation

In this article I brutally pick apart the largely conventional, trademarked process touted by another author regarding how to add humor to a speech (whose approach I strongly recommend that you DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE). Continue reading Is This Really The Approach That You Want To Use To Make A Speech Funny?

The First Secret For Adding Humor To Speeches And Presentations

add humor to speeches and presentations

This article contains the very first secret everyone involved in public speaking needs to know about adding humor to speeches and presentations. Continue reading The First Secret For Adding Humor To Speeches And Presentations

Specialization: A Significant Factor That Can Keep You From Effectively Using Your Natural Comedy Talent

obstacles adding humor to speeches

Effective public speaking is challenging before the prospect of adding humor to speeches comes into play. Discover one of the most significant roadblocks to making any speech or presentation funny. Continue reading Specialization: A Significant Factor That Can Keep You From Effectively Using Your Natural Comedy Talent